How To Create Your First Snag image
How To Create Your First Snag
Oct 31, 2024
This article provides a step-by-step guide on creating a new snag using Snag Here, a web and mobile app for managing snags (construction defects) in projects. It covers logging in, creating projects, creating snag lists, selecting companies, and finally creating new snags with the ability to add images.
How to create your first sang in 4 easy steps

How to create a new Snag

Using or snaghere application this process is very simple. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Login or Sign up to or snaghere application.

  2. Create a new Project by clicking on the “Create Project” button.
    snaghere new project

  3. Create a new Snag List by clicking on the “New List” button.
    snaghere new list

    1. You are required to select a company for the list. If your company is not listed, you can create a new company by clicking on the “New Company” button.
      snaghere new company

  4. Create a new Snag by clicking on the “New Snag” button.
    snaghere new snag

You're done!

Oct 31, 2024
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